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Yngvar Ugland – Head of NewTechLab, DNB

Både i energi- og banksektoren møter behov for stabilitet og pålitelighet utfordringer fra ny teknologi og krav om økt effektivitet. Hvordan påvirker den digitale teknologiutviklingen en hel næring?

Yngvar Ugland leder moonshot-avdelingen i Norges største bank DNB. Han følger teknologiutviklingen kontinuerlig, jobben er å utfordre egen organisasjon på morgendagens mulighetsbilde.

«GRÅSONER – den nye, kalde krigen»

Live-podkast fra scenen, om sikkerhetspolitikk og etterretning

Are Jacobsen – CISO, Gassco
Tore Molde – CISO, Lyse
Ørjan Nordhus Karlsson
– forfatter, Gråsoner
Eystein Hanssen – forfatter, Gråsoner

Direkte fra scenen skal forfatterne Ørjan Nordhus Karlsson og Eystein Hanssen spille inn  podkast.

Karlsson og Hanssen er begge profilerte forfattere av både spenningsromaner og sakprosa. I Gråsoner, som nå er publisert i over 100 episoder, diskuterer de aktuelle problemstillinger i lys av den sikkerhetspolitiske situasjonen for Norge og Europa. Med utgangspunkt i egne forfatterskap, egen fagkunnskap, research og et unikt kildenettverk går de i dybden og forklarer temaer knyttet til etterretning, storpolitiske maktspill og realpolitikk.

Gråsoner har som ambisjon å diskutere vanskelige tema på en enkel og engasjerende måte. Ditt sikkerhetspolitiske kompass i en uoversiktlig og skummel verden.

Industrial cyber security: IT&OT - the good, the bad & the ugly

Rob Rhind – OT Cyber Security Technical Expert, Netsecurity

Rob has four decades in the Global Industrial Automation sectors across Power Infrastructure, Oil & Gas, Marine, Renewables, Steel & NATO Militaries. Having held Senior roles in engineering, prototype development, commissioning, critical service interventions, project management and teaching. A continual learner who entered Industrial Cyber Security  in the last ten years, which has resulted in completing a Master Degree on this subject in 2022.

Fra prosjekt til produkt: Slik skaper brukersentrert utvikling reell verdi

Iren Bergsagel – prosjektleder, Aker BP
Thorjan Knudsvik – produkteier, Bouvet

Hvordan kan moderne produktutviklingsteori skape reell verdi i en tradisjonell prosjektverden? I dette innlegget deler vi erfaringer fra samarbeidet mellom Bouvet og Aker BP, der vi har erstattet en nisjeløsning med et moderne produkt utviklet i tett dialog med sluttbrukerne. Ved å utfordre den tradisjonelle prosjektmetodikken har vi demonstrert hvordan brukersentrert utvikling kan gi både innovasjon og løsninger med høyere verdi. Vi deler innsikt i prosessen, de viktigste suksessfaktorene for samarbeidet, og hvordan tilnærmingen kan legge grunnlaget for en fremtid med mer åpen deling av verktøy og data.

Making sense of operational technology attacks: The past, present and future

Bjørn Kristian Rasmussen – Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Orange Cyberdefense

When you read reports about cyberattacks affecting operational technology (OT), it’s easy to get caught up in the hype and assume every single one is sophisticated. But are OT environments all over the world really besieged by a constant barrage of complex cyberattacks?
Answering that question requires breaking down the different types of OT cyberattacks and examining historical incidents to see how those types compare—and that’s exactly what we’ve done!
After analyzing over 35 years of OT attacks, we compare how attacks have shifted from past to present and present an example of how OT cyberattacks may evolve in the future.

Bjørn Rasmussen er Chief Technology Officer (CTO) i Orange Cyberdefense Norge, hvor han også arbeider med strategisk og taktisk etterretning om cybertrusler. Han har en solid bakgrunn fra norsk politi og forsvar. Som politioverbetjent ved Kripos sitt Nasjonale Cyberkrimsenter (NC3) ledet han etterforskningen av flere cyberangrep mot norsk offentlig og privat sektor frem til 2021. Bjørn har også tjenestegjort som ingeniør i Forsvarets styrkebidrag til internasjonale NATO-operasjoner i Kosovo og Afghanistan. Han har en mastergrad i etterforskning med fokus på cyberkriminalitet og åpen kildeetterretning (OSINT) fra Politihøgskolen i Oslo.

Innovation at Speed: Leveraging CoPilot and Power Platform in the Yggdrasil Project

Italo Chirico – Head of Consulting, Advania
Ragnar Alstad – Sr. Digital Leader, Aker BP

In this presentation, we will explore how Norway's largest development project has utilized CoPilot and Power Platform to streamline the work of describing use cases and user stories in a complex and innovative Yggdrasil Project.

This critical work supports the establishment of functional requirements for solutions and serves as a foundation for creating Yggdrasil-specific role descriptions for the operational phase. The project, involving multiple disciplines and organizations, demands a high level of coordination and precision.

We will dive into:

  • How CoPilot and Power Platform have been implemented to automate and accelerate the documentation of requirements and needs.
  • The tangible benefits and results achieved through this approach.
  • Examples of use cases, user stories, and other documentation developed using these tools.
  • Challenges and lessons learned from implementing automation in such a complex project.

This presentation will provide participants with insights into how modern technology can transform workflows and drive greater efficiency and innovation in large-scale development projects.

Securing OT systems in the oil and gas industry

Dinela Dulovic – Senior Manager Digital Infrastructure & Simulations, HMH
Hans Tetlie Jacobsen – Head of Secure Operations, HMH

The oil and gas industry relies heavily on Operational Technology (OT) running on Distributed Control Systems (DCS) to manage critical processes. These systems are vital for the operation of exploration, production, and distribution. One of the most pressing issues today is securing legacy systems, many of which were originally designed with a focus on reliability and functionality rather than cybersecurity. These systems often lack modern security features, leaving them vulnerable to attacks.

Recognizing this challenge, we have had to find solutions to secure to not only the legacy systems but also to integrate the solutions into our modern control system delivery.

Bridging strategy and execution: Can alliance based contracts work for standardized IT deliveries?

Glenn Roger Hisdal – IT Operation Manager, Aker BP

The Norwegian energy industry is at a pivotal moment, transitioning towards renewables while safeguarding energy security. Data, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Cybersecurity are crucial to this evolution.

In the oil and gas sector, strategic alliances facilitate complex ecosystems, generating vast amounts of data from upstream and midstream operations. Ensuring interoperability and standardisation across technologies enables seamless communication and supports data-driven decision-making.

Join us and explore how alliance-based contracts can optimise IT deliveries and drive innovation in this dynamic landscape. Discover how bridging strategy and execution can shape the future of energy.

From data chaos to clarity: Breaking free from document lock-in in oil and gas

Geir Aarvik – SVP digitalisering, Aker Solutions
Bård Henning Tvedt
– seniorkonsulent, Webstep

Projects and operations in the Oil & Gas industry face significant challenges due to fragmented information streams. Data exists in a variety of formats, with much of it trapped in documents, limiting accessibility and efficiency.

The adoption of structured data has been slow, hindered by the absence of standardized industry frameworks. This has created a complex data exchange environment where vendors must navigate a web of company-specific requirements.

In Norway, the DISC initiative—formed by Equinor, Aker BP, Aker Solutions, and Aibel—aims to tackle this interoperability challenge. Its vision is to eliminate document-based exchanges by establishing industry-wide data standards, fostering seamless collaboration and improved efficiency.

Today, Aker Solutions and Webstep will explore the opportunities unlocked by transitioning from document-based processes to a data-driven approach. We’ll discuss how this shift can reshape current work processes, drive innovation, and create new possibilities for the industry’s future.

Realization of subsea resident drone

Jan Christian Torvestad – Project Lead UID Technology, Equinor
Ane Marte Hausken – Regionsdirektør, Atea

Technology Product Manager (TPM) for Underwater Intervention Drones (UID) and Unmanned Surface Vessels (USV), Jan Christian Torvestad, will talk about how Equinor will use underwater drones to help in improving offshore safety, efficiency, economy and quality of work. This by developing infrastructure to enable the drones to live permanently on the seabed, including docking stations where the drones can recharge, receive, and send information.

Atea and Equinor have a long-term strategic collaboration in the areas of security and network and Atea are now engaged in the research and development of technology for drones, equipment, and infrastructure.

The journey – From compliance to competitiveness

Sebastian Solli – Business Development Manager, IKM
Amalie Espeland
– Lead ESG Advisor, Avito
Lorentz Aspen – VP Energy, Avito

The initial motivation for IKM was to structure and implement ESG reporting practices for the corporate group and a large portfolio of their subsidiaries. The ambition was from the start to build full CSRD reporting capabilities by 2026.

During the preplanning phase we came to identify a number of opportunities that by ample selection of technologies along with process design would further strengthen overall corporate reporting while also streamlining data collection, management and governance processes to support this effort.
The application of automation is deemed to be a catalyst in not only crafting a robust, competitive ESG reporting platform but also to allow for deeper insights across multiple business domains and subsidiaries.

Source of Truth» - Confidence in basis for decisions

Olav Barkved – Senior Advisor Geophysics, Petoro
Ragnar Sandvik – Senior Strategic Advisor, Petoro
Thibaud Freyd – Team-lead Artificial Intelligence/ Emotional Intelligence, Cegal

Despite significant advancements in data processing and modeling capabilities, the tasks of data gathering and structuring remain labor-intensive and time-consuming in petro-technical analysis and modeling. Subsurface specialists in the oil and gas industry may spend 50% or more of their time searching for, sanitating, and preparing data for analysis and decision-making. Well data can be especially cumbersome to deal with.

At Petoro, our preferred source of petro-technical data is the Norwegian official data repository, DISKOS. This registry contains quality-assured data reported within a few months after a well has been drilled. However, errors, improved data accuracy, and key interpretational elements may occur or change over time. These changes may not be reflected in the repository. Consequently, significant inconsistencies can arise between the data reported in decision support documents and models and the data in DISKOS.

The presentation will delve into the challenges of ensuring data quality for decision-making. We will also explore a proof of concept using Microsoft Fabric to organize and compare the official unstructured data stored in tables within reports with structured data from other sources, and with the data utilized in geological models in Petrel.

Revolutionizing field development planning: breaking silos with seamless data sharing and analytics

Arnfinn Grøtte – Chief Engineer D&W Transformation, Aker BP
Alexander Tharaldsen – CTO – Energy, Sopra Steria

We still spend years to develop and mature an oil and gas project. The future projects are growing more complex, margins are shrinking, and we face increased scrutiny from stakeholders. This outdated way of operating is no longer viable.  

For Aker BP, it is not an option to continue as-is, we need to fundamentally transform the way we work. 

Let’s address two simple truths: we still operate in silos, and we still work like it's 2010. Why does it take tens of thousands of hours to plan a single well, only for critical insights to get buried in PowerPoint slides that no one will ever reopen? Why are we still losing critical knowledge whenever someone leaves a project team? It's time to fix this problem. The upside is enormous, and the good news is some operators and vendors are making strides to make it happen.    

In our presentation we will share openly how Aker BP is transforming the way they work for actual data-driven decision making in the business, an area where technical innovation meets human expertise.

Making THE SWITCH to a greener future with easy document control. Finding the right document fast and easy

Harald Lønn – ICT system architect, M-Files and PB, The Switch

Knuser myter: SAP ERP implementert hos CCB Subsea på bare 4 måneder

Cecilie Sælen – CEO, CCB Subsea
Anne Holme – Agency Director SAP, Sopra Steria

Tenker du at SAP ERP kun er for de største selskapene, med implementeringer som tar flere år og oppgraderinger som aldri blir ferdige? Bli med og hør hvordan et mellomstort selskap i energibransjen valgte SAP sin nyeste og mest moderne skybaserte ERP-system – og hvordan de fikk dette på plass, innen budsjett og tidsramme, og i full bruk i hele organisasjonen - på bare fire måneder.

CCB Subsea og Sopra Steria deler suksessfaktorene bak dette imponerende resultatet. Hva var nøkkelen til prosjektets suksess, og hvilken forretningsverdi har CCB Subsea oppnådd så langt?

Samarbeid og teknologi som drivkraft for verdiskaping

Frode Vatne – CIO, Pelagia
Kåre Nystad – Industry Executive, Cepheo

Frode Vatne representerer Pelagia, en ledende aktør i den norske fiskerinæringen. På Energyworld 2025 vil han, i samtale med Kåre Nystad, dele erfaringer og refleksjoner rundt hvordan et tett samarbeid mellom kunde og leverandør kan skape verdi.

Med konkrete eksempler vil de belyse hvordan Pelagia bruker IT som en strategisk driver for verdiskaping og hvordan innovative avtaler bidrar til å styrke samarbeidet med leverandører. Dette blir en spennende samtale for alle som er opptatt av teknologi, samarbeid og nye forretningsmodeller.

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